Hello World

This is the beginning of a writing project — and an invitation for you to come along for the ride.

Lee LeFever
1 min readDec 8, 2018

NOTE: Since the message below was posted, the newsletter has a new name and home. The newsletter is now called Ready for Rain and the home of the newsletter is GetReadyforRain.com. I have changed the links below accordingly.

My wife, Sachi, and I lead relatively unconventional lives. On the pages of Camping on Tuesdays (now Ready for Rain), we’ll share stories about what we’re doing and how we’re doing it. You’ll get to know us and have a front row seat as we take on personal projects.

The best way to stay in touch is through email. I’ll send full posts directly to your inbox.

Know someone who would enjoy what we’re doing? Please send them this link to subscribe: getreadyforrain.com.




Lee LeFever

I write books and run an intentionally small company called Common Craft.